Phonics Bingo

Make your own phonics bingo cards, or use these free printable ones! They help kids practice phonics skills in a fun way. The cards include letters, sounds, blends, and word patterns. Perfect for classrooms, homeschooling, or family game nights!

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  • Short Vowel E Bingo

    Short Vowel E Bingo

  • Short Vowel A Bingo

    Short Vowel A Bingo

  • Short Vowel Bingo

    Short Vowel Bingo

You can make your own phonics bingo cards to match what you want to teach, like vowel sounds or consonant blends. Or, you can choose ready-made cards that you can print and use right away.

These cards make learning fun by turning it into a game. They can be used with small groups or big groups to keep everyone interested while helping them learn phonics.