Icebreaker Bingo

Download or make your own printable icebreaker bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.

Icebreaker Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $7.95 90 Cards - $9.95 120 Cards - $12.95

Icebreaker bingo is a fun way to help people get to know each other. Each bingo card is filled with interesting facts or experiences, like Has run a marathon or Speaks more than one language.

Players mingle and talk to others to find someone who matches each square. When they do, they mark it off. Players must complete a row, column, or diagonal!

It's a great way to spark conversations, break down barriers, and discover surprising things you have in common with others.

WORDS LIST: Has been on a cruise, Knows how to juggle, Plays a musical instrument, Loves pineapple on pizza, Has volunteered at a food bank, Has more than one passport, Has been to a concert this year, Likes to sing karaoke, Is an only child, Can cook a meal from scratch, Has a tattoo, Has a degree not related to their job, Has run a 5K, Has never been on a plane, Has a fear of heights, Has a pet that's not a cat or dog, Has run out of gas while driving, Owns a record player, Is a vegetarian or vegan, Speaks more than one language, Has met a celebrity, Has climbed a mountain, Is left-handed, Has been skydiving, Has dyed their hair a bright color, Has been to a comedy show, Has worked in a restaurant, Has lived in more than three countries, Can speak in sign language, Owns a pair of roller skates, Can whistle using their fingers, Has run a marathon, Has a twin, Can say the alphabet backward, Has never had coffee, Can name all the planets in order, Has had braces, Can ride a unicycle, Has seen a shooting star, Studied abroad, Has broken a bone, Commutes to work on transit