Autism Bingo

Download or make your own printable autism bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.

Autism Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $7.95 90 Cards - $9.95 120 Cards - $12.95

Autism Bingo is an insightful activity to foster understanding and awareness of the autistic experience. Each square shows things people with autism might experience, like being sensitive to sounds or touch, having strong hobbies, or finding social situations challenging.

The goal is to understand and connect with these experiences, either from your own life or through people you know. This helps build kindness and acceptance.

Autism Bingo is great for schools, support groups, or events that teach about autism. It helps people talk and learn about different ways of thinking and experiencing the world.

WORDS LIST: Sensory Overload, Special Interests, Stimming, Masking, Routine Change, Hyperfocus, Social Exhaustion, Literal Thinking, Sensory Seeking, Info Dumping, Eye Contact Avoidance, Meltdown, Shutdown, Hyperempathy, Black and White Thinking, Executive Dysfunction, Repetition, Selective Mutism, Misunderstood Humor, Texture Sensitivity, Noise Canceling Headphones, Weighted Blanket, Need for Clarity, Over Explaining, Difficulty with Small Talk, Special Interest Collection, Sensory Friendly Clothing, Social Script, Misdiagnosis