Personal Care Bingo
Download or make your own printable personal care bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.
Make your own or download our free printable Personal Care Bingo. This fun game encourages you to prioritize your well-being with simple yet effective self-care activities.
From drinking water and stretching to writing in a journal and enjoying a face mask, each activity is a simple way to feel healthier and happier.
Whether you want to relax, feel happier, or build healthy habits, this bingo makes self-care fun and easy. Just download, print, and start marking off your self-care wins today!
WORDS LIST: Hydrate, Moisturize, Stretch, Journal, Meditate, Breathe, Walk, Nap, Read, Unplug, Face mask, Floss, Skincare, Healthy meal, Call a friend, Listen to music, Light a candle, Gratitude, Massage, Hair care, Yoga, Exfoliate, Dance, Sleep early, Sunlight, Declutter, Positive affirmations, Laugh, Deep condition, Herbal tea