Inclusion Bingo

Download or make your own printable inclusion bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.

Inclusion Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $7.95 90 Cards - $9.95 120 Cards - $12.95

Free Printable Inclusion Bingo is a fun game that celebrates diversity, kindness, and community. It helps players get to know each other, do kind things, and make everyone feel welcome.

The game is perfect for classrooms, team-building activities, or family gatherings, helping people of all ages connect and understand each other better.

WORDS LIST: Has a pet cat, Plays a musical instrument, Speaks more than one language, Loves to read books, Has traveled to another country, Likes pineapple on pizza, Can whistle, Has the same favorite color as you, Is left handed, Plays a sport, Loves to draw or paint, Has broken a bone before, Watches superhero movies, Can cook or bake, Is an only child, Likes spicy food, Is afraid of spiders, Has met a famous person, Prefers tea over coffee, Has been on a roller coaster, Likes camping or hiking, Has a unique hobby, Loves video games, Has a collection, Has a nickname, Likes rainy days, Has sung on a stage, Prefers cats over dogs, Likes to dance, Has been in a school play