Diversity Bingo

Download or make your own printable diversity bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.

Diversity Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $7.95 90 Cards - $9.95 120 Cards - $12.95

Make your own diversity bingo. This fun game celebrates the different experiences, backgrounds, and identities of people in a group. Each bingo card has phrases that show a unique trait or life experience, like “Speaks multiple languages” or “First-generation immigrant.”

Players walk around and find people who match each box. They talk to each other and learn new things. The goal is to fill a row, column, or diagonal line on the bingo card by getting to know others and their different experiences.

WORDS LIST: Has experienced culture shock, Single parent, Different educational background, Over 50 years old, Works part time or gig jobs, Comes from a rural area, First generation immigrant, Follows a non Western diet, Speaks sign language, First in the family to attend college, Prefers remote work, Non traditional career path, Active in community service, Part of a blended family, Has lived in another country, Multiracial or mixed heritage, Under 25 years old, Celebrates a non-majority holiday, Vegetarian or vegan, Has a unique cultural tradition, Grew up in a big city, Speaks more than one language, Is a caregiver, Speaks with an accent, Prefers non traditional learning methods, Veteran or military family, Different socioeconomic background, Practices a different religion