Bowling Bingo
Download or make your own printable bowling bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.
Make your own or download our free printable Bowling Bingo. Instead of numbers, the bingo card is filled with common bowling terms, actions, and events like Strike, Gutter Ball, Turkey, and High Five.
As you play, mark off the squares when you see or experience each event during the game. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal shouts, "Bingo!" It's a great way to keep everyone engaged, whether you're a bowling pro or just there for the fun.
WORDS LIST: Clean game, Scoreboard, Open frame, Loud crash, Miss, Spare, Foul, Bowling shoes, Loft, Pin scatter, Turkey, Gutter ball, Ball return, High five, Double, Pin action, Preshot routine, Strike, Straight ball, Ball rack, Split, Groan, Anchor, Hook, Head pin, Pocket hit