Daily Call Bingo

Download or make your own printable daily call bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.

Daily Call Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $7.95 90 Cards - $9.95 120 Cards - $12.95

WORDS LIST: "Sorry, say that again", Someone enters late, "I'll have to get back to you", "You're on mute", "Next slide please", "Can you email that to everyone?", "Actually what happened is...", "Sorry, I was having connection issues", "Lets come to the main point", "Sorry, I'm late", "Sorry for interr- upting!!", "Sorry, didn't catch that", "I think there is a lag", "Can everyone go on mute?", "Hello .... hello?", (furious typing), "No let me explain", "____, are you there?", Animal noise in the back- ground, "Is Everyone Here?", "Can everyone hear me?", "No, it's still loading", "Guys, I have to jump to another call", Weather Talk, Someone is eating