Airport Bingo
Download or make your own printable airport bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.
Keep kids entertained with these Airport Bingo Cards while air traveling. Air travel with kids can be challenging so why not keep them busy with these fun and interactive printable bingo games. As they find the things mentioned on these cards, they cross them off. Whoever gets five in a row, wins!
Download this template or make your own Airport Bingo Cards with this bingo card generator!
WORDS LIST: Pilot, Boarding Pass, Water Bottle, Red Suitcase, Fountain, Security, Duty Free Shop, Escalator Sign, Golf Cart, Someone Reading, Baggage Claim, Green Bag, Someone wearing Earbuds, Luggage Cart, Neck Pillow, Exit Sign, Coffee, Someone wearing a T-Shirt, Stroller, Passport, Flight Attendant, Arrivals Sign, Plane Sign, Someone Eating, Elevator, Someone Sleeping, Someone on a Laptop, Someone on their Phone, Restrooms Sign, Departures Sign