Jessica's 60th Birthday Bingo
Download or make your own printable jessica's 60th birthday bingo cards. The PDF file will include a calling sheet with all the words and random bingo cards. Press EDIT to customize the bingo cards.
Celebrate 60th birthday party with this printable 60th birthday bingo. Guests are sure to have fun while trying to match the fun words called out from the calling sheet.
Use this pre-made template as is or make your own birthday bingo using this bingo card generator.
WORDS LIST: Rocking Chair, Stories, Social Security, Incontinence, Nap, Cane, Irritable Bowels, Vitamins, Gardening, Face Lift, Depends, Blanket, Rusty, Senior Center, Forgetful, Tired, Cranky, Saggy Boobs, Geriatrics, Contentment, Gas, Walker, Medicare, Wisdom, Senior Discount, Hard Arteries, Mature, Indigestion, Ripe, Retirement, Senile, Ornery, Geritol, Fiber, Hot Flash, Menopause, Liver Spots, Pains, Ancient, Grumpy, Hobble, Blood Pressure, Gray Hair, Hearing Aids, Ache, Blind, Experience, Dentures, Arthritis, Memories, Wrinkles, Antique